I Want to Show You Something
This is a 16" x 16" painting that's currently in progress.It has already given me its title (In Too Deep) and I love it. I love the the colours, I love the feeling, and I love that title.The old me would have been SO happy with this painting.But that was before CVP.Now I know it's a good start, but that I can do more. I plan to add depth and interest with light glazes over the 'snow' area and perhaps to bring richness and interest into the darks. I will then go back over the glazes with more thick tinted whites and I might add some collage and simplify some of the foreground. I can also add interest into the light area with some interesting marks.It is so exciting to feel this shift in how I approach my work. I've always strived to paint the very best pictures I could, but I didn't have a structured approach to help me get there. Now I do.So instead of calling this one done and moving on, I have put it in my kitchen where I can see it and plan my next moves.
Update: CVP is about to launch again in May 2019. The best news is that you can try it for free by taking a free workshop. There are a lot of people who give away free stuff in order to sell something bigger but this is different - you really do get tons of stuff for free whether or not you ever take the course. The free workshop is coming up soon (starts April 26th 2019) so sign up HERE to take advantage of free learning.